
Google OAuth scopes used by Fantastical and Cardhop

Fantastical and Cardhop use the following OAuth scopes when connecting a Google account. See our privacy policy for more information about how our apps use and store personal data.


A default scope needed to sign in to Google.

A default scope needed to sign in to Google.

Allows access Google Calendar through the CalDAV and Google Calendar APIs.

Allows access Google Tasks through the Google Tasks API.

Allows uploading files to Google Drive. This is single file access, so Fantastical is only able to see and modify files that it has uploaded. Fantastical doesn't have access to anything else on Google Drive. This scope is used when adding attachments to events on Google Calendar.

Allows read-only access to Google Contacts. This scope is used only when adding invitees so you can autosuggest invitees based on contacts. Contact data is used locally and not sent off the device.

Allows read-only access to the other contacts section of Google Contacts. This scope is used only when adding invitees so you can autosuggest invitees based on contacts. Contact data is used locally and not sent off the device.

Allows read-only access to the Google Workspace user directory. This scope is used to autosuggest invitees based on who is in the Google Workspace organization. Directory data is used locally and not sent off the device.

Allows read-only access to the Google Workspace calendar resource directory. This scope to search for conference rooms and resources in the Google Workspace organization to reserve them for meetings. Directory data is used locally and not sent off the device.


Allows read-only access to Google Contacts. This scope is used only when searching for contacts in the Google directory. Contact data is used locally and not sent off the device.

Allows read-only access to the other contacts section of Google Contacts. This scope is used only when searching for contacts in the Google directory. Contact data is used locally and not sent off the device.

Allows read-only access to the Google Workspace user directory. This scope is used only when searching for contacts in the Google directory. Directory data is used locally and not sent off the device.

Add Fantastical and Cardhop as trusted apps to a Google Workspace organization

Some Google Workspace organizations restrict access to third-party apps. If you see an error adding your Google Workspace account to Fantastical or Cardhop then you may need to ask your admin to add Fantastical and Cardhop to the list of trusted apps.

  • Open the Google Workspace admin panel and select Security > API controls
  • Select Manage Third-Party App Access
  • Select Configure new app > OAuth App Name or Client ID

Enter the following client IDs for Fantastical and Cardhop and add them to the list of allowed apps:

Fantastical for Mac:
Fantastical for iOS:
Cardhop for Mac:
Cardhop for iOS:

You can also refer to Google's help pages for more info.

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